Join the Band

We are once again accepting new members!

We are always looking to fill out sections in need, so don't hesitate to inquire about the band if you would like to become a member.

The Longmont Concert Band always welcomes new members on any instrument. If you've never played an instrument, start practicing and come see us whenever you feel ready. If you used to play, pick up that instrument again and come see us very soon. If you currently play, then drop in on one of our rehearsals any time.

Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings during the school year, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Starting in the fall of 2018, rehearsals will be in the Band Room of TWIN PEAKS CLASSICAL ACADEMY located at 340 South Sunset Blvd., between Nelson and Boston Avenue. Prospective members are always welcome!

We currently need percussion, clarinets and trumpets, but there is room for players of all instruments, so please visit and find your niche. There are no restrictions on where you live; we include members from the region surrounding Longmont, so all are welcome.

While the Longmont Concert Band is intended as an adult ensemble, mature, enthusiastic high school musicians are very welcome to join. Our age mix runs from 15 to 70-plus.

If you are interested, please fill out the Google Form below and you will be contacted about openings. 

We would love to hear from you!